Connect-Ed has over 35 years’ experience of providing professional counselling and therapy services on-site in schools
Does your school need a counsellor/ therapist?
We have over 35 years’ experience of delivering professional counselling and therapy services on-site in schools across London and the South East. Currently we work with 80 schools supporting pupils aged 4-18. This extensive experience means we can offer bespoke services, ensuring pupils access the right support at the right time to enhance their wellbeing help remove barriers to learning.
Read moreHow our school counselling service can help
Mental health issues are a growing concern; research shows that one in six children aged 5-16 has a probable mental disorder. That is an average of five in every classroom. Our Connect-Ed school counselling and therapy services support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of thousands of children each year. This specialist support ensures pupils can develop resilience, achieve their full potential and have better chances in life.
Read moreEvidencing impact
Research shows that counselling in schools can lead to significant reductions in pupils’ psychological distress. We use clinical outcome measures to evidence the impact of our work and all schools receive a detailed annual report outlining work delivered and outcomes achieved. This is one way schools can demonstrate to Ofsted that they are supporting pupils’ personal development, including their resilience and ability to keep mentally healthy (Ofsted Education Inspection Framework 2021).
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